Hearing about Baunti, you’ll probably think about white beaches and coconuts. In reality however, Baumgartner brewery from Schärding has been brewing Baunti for many years. Sold in 0.33l bottles, Baunti needed a new look to complement its great taste. We decided to give it a try, and came up with a clean and fresh-looking design incorporating traditional Austrian styles, showing that the beer is aware of its heritage and not afraid to show it. To emphasize its Austrian roots and offer a playful distinction to the well-known chocolate bar, we developed a fun slogan to go with the modern design: “Sounds like the Caribbean, tastes like Schärding“.  

Together with Katharina Mohn and Katja Hasenöhrl 

Packaging Photos
Bernadette Baumann 

Hand-lettered logo and new slogan: “Sounds like the Caribbean, tastes like Schärding“.


Baunti - Rebranding Together with Katharina Mohn and Katja Hasenöhrl
